You are currently viewing Las empresas tecnológicas reemplazarán a las tradicionales.

Technology companies will replace traditional ones.

After more than a year since the beginning of the pandemic, the world now sees the future with a different approach, because it is clear that we live in an era in which everything is being modified by technology due to its unbridled progress that always seeks to facilitate and increase the impact of our step in the world, however the adaptation more than anything by certain generations has meant a delay since the beginning of the century; It seems that technology is threatening for those who are accustomed to the traditional, but history has given the reason to change and technology not as a replacement for human beings but as a tool to enhance their capabilities and face the most challenging events.

One example is teleworking, which is necessary and even mandatory during this health crisis, and its operation lies mainly in technology, taking advantage of existing developments and new developments based on the emerging needs and opportunities brought about by virtuality, which forces us to adapt so as not to fall into obsolescence, as many companies are already doing.

Now there is no extension or waiting period for this 'digital transformation', for some only a year ago it was limited only to online marketing, for others to the 'company culture', many spoke of 'the power of data', but almost no one, completed the real puzzle that it really is.

Technology is not optional, how we use it is. After the experience of staying at home, many of us had to restructure certain aspects of our daily lives, companies had to focus their business strategies to include in their proposal technologies that allow them to better adapt to the future and meet needs with real solutions. Telemedicine, teleworking, distance learning and online commerce have been the main trends that have emerged as a result of the above.

Now, many companies, regardless of their sector, have adapted and have managed to survive the crisis, but what will happen to those companies that do not adopt new solutions? A recent article in “The Economist” tells us that “companies that do not invest at least 10% in new technologies will disappear”, this happens because we are in an increasingly competitive market, where new technology companies can unseat the traditional ones that are not digitally transformed thanks to the productive capacity they can achieve by automating processes and reducing times, to mention some of their capabilities.

Preparing a company for this moment in such a short period of time requires understanding its current situation and looking for answers in technology, but for this we must know what questions to ask ourselves.

At COCO we work to enhance human capacity with the best technology, get to know us at

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  • Post category:Technology
  • Reading time:4 mins read

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