Queue Management System

Enhance the organization of your waiting rooms with our system, which uses a traffic light approach to ensure clear and timely patient callouts.

This traffic light system guarantees an efficient and controlled flow of care, minimizing wait times and maximizing patient satisfaction.

How does the traffic light system work?

Green: Notifies the patient with a clear and friendly alert.

Yellow: Alerts the patient that their turn has already been called previously.

Red: Final alert, ensuring the patient promptly proceeds to their consultation room.

Each call is accompanied by a sound on the screen, allowing for precise control at every stage.

The system not only displays the patient name but also indicates the specific location they should go to, facilitating a
seamless flow.

Customizable Interface

Easy to Use

Service Efficiency

Inclusion and Accessibility

Accessibility for Everyone

Our system is designed to be inclusive.

Patients with hearing impairments can see their name clearly displayed on the screen, and those with visual impairments will hear their turn being called out clearly. We ensure an accessible and seamless experience for all.