Safety and Data

PQRS and Customer Service Channels

Financial Profitability

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What Will You Learn Here?

Safety and Data

PQRS and Customer Service Channels

Financial Profitability


Empowering the Healthcare Sector

Who is this for?

Systems Engineers

Communication Leaders

Administrative and Financial Professionals

What Will You Achieve?

Gain integral experience

Acquire relevant knowledge

Develop practical skills

Impact on your career and your community

Allies of Healthcare's Future

Meet the Speakers

Safety and Data Module Experts

Javier Roque

Jefe de Proyectos, Aúna

Felipe Gómez

Director Regional - Fluid Attacks

Mario Cortes

Director - HL7 Colombia

Éderson Almeida

Director Superintendente, Albert Einstein

Miller Obando

Analista de Datos - Coco Tecnologías

PQRS and Customer Service Channels Module Experts

Lina Morales

CEO - Be Your Brand

Robert Parada

Robert Parada

CEO - Coco Tecnologías

Elisabeth Bolarin

Elisabeth Bolarin


Erika Rincón

Erika Rincón

Gerente Comercial, Be Your Brand

Daniel Cardozo

Daniel Cardozo

Analista Digital, Be Your Brand

Diego Rojas

Diego Rojas

Jefe de Innovación, Fundación Santa Fé de Bogotá

Claudia Vera

Gerente Nuevos Negocios Comfama

Verónica Montoya

Jefe del Marketing y UX, Colsubsidio.

Financial Profitability Module Experts

Dra. Lina Loaiza

Presidenta - ACRO

Jean Carlo Vanegas

Gerente Hospital de Yarumal

Camilo Arenas

Camilo Arenas

Gerente de ACP - Boston Scientific

Olga Zuluaga

Dra. Olga Lucía Zuluaga

Directora Ejecutiva - ACESI

Daniela López

Daniela López

Salud Continua - Comfama

Laura Velásquez

Laura Velásquez

Presidenta - Arkangel AI

Robert Parada

Robert Parada

CEO - Coco Tecnologías

Diego Paredes

Diego Paredes

Lead Development Representative at Amazon Web Services (AWS)

The Echo of Our Impact

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