En Colombia, conseguir una cita médica puede convertirse en un desafío monumental. La frustración de los pacientes es evidente: largas filas, horarios inalcanzables y meses de espera para una consulta. Según un reciente informe de The Economist, estas dificultades no solo reflejan fallas en la organización del sistema de salud, sino también una oportunidad urgente […]

¿Qué haría usted si le dijeran que los recursos destinados a salvar vidas están en una encrucijada? El sector salud enfrenta una de las mayores crisis financieras de la historia, y mientras hospitales, pacientes y profesionales luchan con recursos limitados, los fondos que deberían estar asegurando la atención están siendo redirigidos. La pregunta es: ¿hasta […]

¡El sector salud dominicano está a punto de enfrentar un cambio que podría ser histórico!, y los ojos de todos están puestos en este momento decisivo! Las Alianzas Público-Privadas (APPs) ya están dando de qué hablar, y en unos días, más de 100 especialistas de todo el mundo se reunirán para debatir el impacto y […]

Dejando Atrás al COVID-19: La Alarma de la OMS sobre la Tuberculosis y su Impacto en la Salud. En un giro inesperado, la tuberculosis ha vuelto a ser la principal causa infecciosa de muerte en el mundo, desplazando al COVID-19. Esta revelación de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) plantea importantes retos y oportunidades […]

Today, on World Breast Cancer Day, we want to commemorate the incredible advances that technology, especially artificial intelligence (AI), is bringing to this cause. With more than 2 million new cases each year, breast cancer remains a global challenge. However, AI is [...]

Every October 10, the world commemorates World Mental Health Day, recalling the importance of emotional well-being and access to services that help us stay healthy. In this context, technology, especially artificial intelligence (AI), is emerging as a powerful tool to fill important gaps in mental health care, particularly in regions such as Latin America […]

In today's world, where technology plays a fundamental role in all spheres of our lives, it is inspiring to see how Coco Tecnologías stands out, achieving recognition for our innovation and contribution to the field of health. In this sense, we are a pioneer in the field of healthtech, we have captured the attention of [...]

A global problem. For as long as the healthcare sector has existed, it has faced a global challenge that has consistently affected resource efficiency, patient experience, medical staff productivity and all stakeholders involved. As you might have guessed, we are talking about missed appointments; a problem that has [...]

From reminding and confirming an appointment, to canceling and rescheduling it, all this is done by an Assistant Bot, generating efficiencies and optimizing healthcare institutions to the maximum. What is an Appointment Assistant Bot? An Appointment Assistant Bot manages the scheduling process; reminding, confirming, canceling and rescheduling appointments in an efficient and [...]

In Colombia, E.S.E Hospital de Yolombó is a public entity that serves 20 nearby municipalities with a mostly rural population that has difficulties in accessing health services due to the lack of technological channels; for example, to request a medical appointment, patients used to have to travel up to 6 hours [...].